A delicious way to eat Take-Han-Go

Try cooking Take-Han-Go! on a BBQ.

Here’s a detailed explanation of how to cook Take-Han-Go! on a BBQ.   You can cook the rice just like a regular rice cooker, but the heat will vary depending on your BBQ method, so use this article as a guide to find the best way to cook it!   This time we put the charcoal on the grill and cooked it.   Open the Take-Han-Go! and transfer the YufuCleare-Water-Rice to the bamboo, but this time, we moved it to a colander first to polish the rice.   *If you don’t have a colander or other tools to wash the […]

Try cooking “Take-Han-Go!” in the microwave.

I cooked “Take-Han-Go!” in the microwave! I tried it out in my home kitchen and the image you see here is working on the IH, but I cooked the rice in the microwave. Sorry for the confusion.   First of all, open “Take-Han-Go!” and put the “Yufu-Clear-Water-rice” in the bamboo.   In this case, I’m cooking the rice without polishing, essentially, rice tastes better when it is polished, so if you have a colander, transfer the rice to the colander and polish it before placing it in the bamboo.   Then, add one cup of water to fit the amount […]