About operating company
It is the 15th year IT company in Akihabara, Tokyo. I opened the Oita branch in 2019, and I want to do something that will help Oita.

The CEO from Oita started selling because I wanted people in Japan and overseas to know and eat Hinohikari from Abe Sanchi, which I eat at my home in Yokohama every day.
From making seedlings to harvesting rice, we help Abe-san’s farmers and We develop our own direct sales site and sell “Yufu Clear Water Rice Hino Hikari from Oita Prefecture, Kyushu” to the world.
Take-Han-Go is created in collaboration with Nagai Co., Ltd who we met in the process of selling “Yufu-Cleare-Water-Rice”.
“Take-Han-Go” is purchased at restaurants, resort hotels and various shops in Oita Prefecture and beyond.